CFIA FOP Labelling: Canada’s B2B Compliance

Introduced in 2022, Health Canada’s Front of Package (FOP) labeling regulations have stated that food packages containing high levels of saturated fat, sugars, and sodium need to have a nutrition symbol on their packaging to highlight this for consumers. For businesses in food manufacturing and packaging, it’s especially crucial to implement this standard not only to avoid legal repercussions but to create consumer awareness and promote a healthier society as a whole.  

This initiative by Health Canada is also a significant step towards aligning with global trends in food labeling, as other countries have been implementing similar standards for their packaging and nutrition labels. For businesses, it’s an opportunity to show their commitment to public health and potentially tap into new markets by reformulating products to meet these varying regulations. In essence, FOP labeling is a regulatory necessity and a chance for businesses to play a role in fostering a health-conscious society, where consumers have the necessary information they need at a quick glance.


  • Front-of-Package (FOP) Symbol: Introduced to help Canadians make healthier food choices by highlighting foods high in saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, which are linked to chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.
  • Design of the FOP Symbol: Features a magnifying glass and lists key nutrients of concern (saturated fats, sugars, sodium) to be easily recognizable and understandable at a glance.
  • Labeling Requirements: The FOP symbol must be prominently displayed on the front of the packaging, with specific guidelines for its size and location to ensure visibility and consistency.
  • Compliance with Daily Value (DV) Thresholds: Foods must display the FOP symbol if they exceed set DV thresholds for saturated fat, sugars, or sodium, indicating a high content of these nutrients.
  • Products Requiring the FOP Symbol: Includes processed snacks, ready-to-eat meals, sugary beverages, baked goods, certain dairy products, and breakfast cereals that exceed the DV thresholds.
  • Exemptions: Certain foods are exempt from displaying the FOP symbol, including those beneficial for overall health, foods that don’t require a Nutrition Facts table, and items where the symbol would be redundant, like packages of sugar or salt.
  • Prohibitions and Nutrient Content Claims: There are restrictions on marketing and nutrient content claims for products with the FOP symbol, especially those targeting vulnerable populations like children, to prevent misleading health claims.

The CFIA Front-of-Package Symbol

Significance of the FOP Symbol in Canada

The Front-of-Package (FOP) symbol aims to encourage healthier eating choices among Canadians and can also contribute to reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes that are caused by high levels of sugar, saturated fat, and sodium. It also empowers consumers to make informed eating decisions without needing to interpret complicated nutritional information on the back of a food package. This is particularly useful in busy retail environments like supermarkets where time is limited. 

As aforementioned, the FOP symbol is also a regulatory requirement that aligns with Health Canada’s broader strategy to improve the food environment in Canada. It also entails reformulation, packaging redesign, and compliance efforts from food manufacturers and distributors in light of this new regulation. 

Design and Meaning

The FOP symbol design is supposed to be simple yet impactful. It features a large magnifying glass symbol to the left and lists the key nutrients of concern: saturated fats, sugars, and sodium to the right. This design is intended to be easily recognizable and understandable, even at a glance. The symbol’s black-and-white color scheme ensures high visibility on various packaging backgrounds, making it hard to miss on food labels. It must also have “Health Canada” written in bold letters at the bottom of the symbol in whatever format it is presented in to indicate that it has been attributed to the Health Canada institution.

CFIA Front-of-Package Label with a magnifying glass and listed nutrients.

Labeling Requirements and Placement Specifications

Ensuring that the Front-of-Package (FOP) symbol is correctly displayed on product packaging is crucial for compliance with Health Canada’s regulations. This involves adhering to specific guidelines regarding the size and placement of the symbol, as well as ensuring that the overall packaging design meets technical compliance standards.

Size and Location Guide for the FOP Symbol

The FOP symbol must be prominently displayed on the front of the packaging to ensure it is immediately visible to consumers. Key specifications include:

  • Size: The symbol should be large enough to be easily readable, typically covering at least 5% of the front-facing display area of the package.
  • Location: Ideally positioned in the top right-hand side of the principal display panel (PDP), close to the brand name or product title, to ensure high visibility.

Technical Compliance for Packaging and Label Design

Beyond the FOP symbol, the overall packaging and label design must meet certain technical standards to ensure clarity and consistency. This includes:

  • Legibility: All text, including the FOP symbol, must be clear and easy to read against the package background.
  • Contrast: High contrast between the symbol and the packaging ensures that the symbol stands out and is not obscured by design elements.
  • Non-Interference: The symbol should not be overlapped by other graphics or text that could impede its visibility or readability.

Adhering to these technical requirements ensures that the FOP symbol serves its intended purpose effectively, guiding consumers toward healthier food choices.

Compliance with Daily Value (DV) Thresholds

Daily Value (DV) thresholds are critical benchmarks that tell us how much of certain things like saturated fat, sugars, and salt (sodium) are in our food compared to what is considered average or okay to have in a whole day. Think of it like a speed limit for nutrients. If a food has too many of these things – more than what’s set as the standard «speed limit» – it needs to have the FOP symbol on the package to indicate this. This symbol is a heads-up to let us know that eating too much of this food might not be the best for our health.

For food packaging, these thresholds are shown as a percentage of the nutrient’s DV per serving size or reference amount so that you can determine whether a product must display the FOP symbol. «Reference amount» refers to the typical quantity of food consumed in a single eating occasion, whereas the «serving size» is the amount of food that the nutritional information on the package is based on, derived from the reference amount. It is a business’s responsibility to ensure their products stay within these limits or label them with the FOP symbol to inform consumers of potential high nutrient contents. 

Products Requiring the FOP Symbol

The range of products that require the FOP symbol ranges from items as simple as pickles to frozen pizza or even some desserts. As stated, it is mainly required to be on packaged foods with a lot of sodium, saturated fat, and sugar. The FOP symbol is added based on how much of these nutrients are in the food, using the standard measure of the Daily Value (%DV).

To elaborate further, the following main categories of products typically require the FOP symbol:

  1. Standard prepackaged items that reach or go beyond 15% DV for saturated fat, sugars, or sodium.
  2. Prepackaged items that are consumed in smaller amounts (equal to or less than 30 g/mL) that reach or go beyond 10% DV for saturated fat, sugars, or sodium. 
  3. Prepackaged main dishes (200 g or more for adults, or 170g for children from 1-4 years of age) that reach or go beyond 30% DV for saturated fat, sugars, or sodium. 

Here are some real-life examples of food items that need to display the symbol:

  • Processed Snacks: Chips, crackers, and other salty snacks often exceed the thresholds for sodium and saturated fats, necessitating the FOP symbol to alert consumers to their high content.
  • Ready-to-Eat Meals: Frozen dinners, instant noodles, and other convenience foods frequently contain high levels of sodium and saturated fats, making them prime candidates for the FOP symbol.
  • Sugary Beverages: Soft drinks, fruit-flavored drinks, and energy drinks high in added sugars require the FOP symbol to indicate their sugar content.
  • Baked Goods: Cookies, cakes, and pastries that are high in sugars and saturated fats must display the FOP symbol to inform consumers of their nutrient levels.
  • Dairy Products: Certain flavored yogurts and ice creams that exceed the thresholds for sugars and saturated fats need the FOP symbol.
  • Breakfast Cereals: Cereals with high sugar content are required to have the FOP symbol to highlight their sugar levels.

These products are targeted because they contribute significantly to the intake of nutrients associated with health risks when consumed in excess.

Understanding and Applying the DV Thresholds

As stated, Daily Value (DV) thresholds are critical in determining whether a food product requires the FOP symbol. DVs are reference amounts set by health authorities, in general, to help consumers understand the nutrient content of foods in the context of a total daily diet. For FOP labeling, the specific DV thresholds are:

  • Saturated Fat: Products that contain 15% DV or more per reference amount or serving size (whichever is greater) require the FOP symbol.
  • Sugars: Similar to saturated fat, products with 15% DV or more of sugars per reference amount or serving size need the FOP symbol.
  • Sodium: Foods with a sodium content of 15% DV or more per reference amount or serving size are required to display the FOP symbol.

For example, if a single serving of a food product contains 15% or more of the DV for sodium (which is 2300 mg per day), it would need to carry the FOP symbol to indicate its high sodium content.

Impact on Product Formulation and Labeling

The introduction of FOP labeling has significant implications for product formulation and labeling practices within the food industry. Manufacturers may need to reformulate products to reduce levels of saturated fat, sugars, and sodium to meet %DV thresholds and avoid the FOP symbol. This might also involve substituting ingredients, reducing portion sizes, or altering recipes to improve the nutritional profile. Such changes not only affect the health level of the product but also its taste, and shelf life, and could influence consumer purchasing decisions.

Labeling strategies will also need to adapt, incorporating the FOP symbol on products that exceed the DV thresholds. Businesses must carefully balance nutritional improvements with consumer expectations and product identity, ensuring that any changes they make still align with brand values and market demands. This regulatory change ultimately aims to improve Canada’s food environment and educate customers on the nutrients they choose to consume every day.

Prohibitions and Nutrient Content Claims

With the introduction of the FOP labeling regulations, there are also new rules regarding nutrient content claims and marketing practices. These are intended to prevent misleading claims and ensure that consumers receive accurate and helpful nutritional information. Health Canada has also set forth limitations on the types of nutrient content claims that can be made for products requiring the FOP symbol. Specifically:

Restrictions on Highlighting Nutrients: Products that display the FOP symbol due to high levels of saturated fat, sugars, or sodium cannot make claims that imply health benefits related to these nutrients.

Accuracy of Claims: Any nutrient content claim must be verifiable and based on the product’s actual nutritional profile, ensuring that it does not contradict the information conveyed by the FOP symbol.

These are designed to ensure that product claims do not mislead consumers about the healthfulness of foods high in nutrients of concern.

New Limitations on Nutrient Content Claims

Health Canada has also outlined specific exemptions and limitations for certain foods that will not be required to display the FOP nutrition symbol. They have been categorized into health-related, technical, and practical exemptions:

Health-Related Exemptions: 

  • This includes foods that are beneficial for overall health or are catered for specific vulnerable groups, such as fresh, frozen, canned, or dried fruits and vegetables, dairy products like 2% and whole milk, eggs, and foods rich in healthy fats (e.g., vegetable oils, nuts, fatty fish). 
  • These items are exempt unless they contain added saturated fat, sugars, or sodium. 
  • Dairy products contributing to calcium intake, like certain cheeses and yogurts, are also exempt because consumers don’t usually get enough of these nutrients and they play a role in preventing nutrient deficiencies (provided they meet specific DV for calcium). 
  • Additionally, foods designed for unique populations, like military rations, are exempt.

Technical Exemptions: 

  • This applies to foods that don’t require a Nutrition Facts table in general, such as raw, unmanufactured, and single-ingredient meats, poultry, fish, and items sold at farmers’ markets. 
  • Ground meats and poultry, despite having a Nutrition Facts table, are exempt from maintaining consistency if they are whole cuts. This exemption is void if claims are made or if additives like salt or spices are included. 
  • Foods not sold directly to consumers and those in very small packaging, like single-serving coffee creamers and mini chocolate bars, are also exempt due to their insignificance in one’s calorie daily intake.

Practical Exemptions: 

  • Foods where the FOP symbol would be redundant, such as packages of sugar, honey, maple syrup, salts, butter, and other fats and oils are exempt due to their built-in nutrient content.

Prohibitions and Marketing Restrictions

In addition to limitations on nutrient content claims, there are also specific rules for marketing and advertising products that have the FOP symbol, including:

  • Targeted Marketing: Advertisements for these products can’t specifically be targeted at groups like kids who might be more at risk.
  • Promotional Claims: Advertisements can’t focus on the satisfying taste or easy use of these products if they go against the health warning the FOP symbol gives.

These restrictions assist in promoting a healthier society by ensuring that advertisements don’t advocate for consuming foods that might not be good for us, in line with Health Canada’s goal for everyone to eat a more sustainable and nourishing diet.