We are really happy to be working with a team that is committed to customer success, people are very responsive, easy to talk to, and the software is super easy!

Charlie Demsky Product Manager

Overview of company

We are a food manufacturing company specializing in powdered beverage mixes such as hot chocolate, powdered cappuccino, cider, and lemonade beverage mixes. We manufacture everything in-house and sell through wholesale, private label, and direct to consumer.

What made you choose Food Label Maker?

Simplicity of use and Affordability!

We had been using another nutrition labeling software for over 15 years, which cost us a considerable amount in annual subscriptions, and we weren’t using many of its features. Food Label Maker is simple, easy to use, includes exactly the features we need, and has saved us a huge amount of money!

How does FLM integrate in your organization workflow?

Our product developer comes up with the recipes, tests and formulates them. Once the recipe is finalized and approved we then plug in the recipe into FLM to generate the nutrition facts labels and then our graphics manager chooses from the different pre-built nutrition facts templates based on our package size and market we are selling in.

Since using foodlabelmaker.com, we have experienced faster workflows, better organization, and significant cost savings.

Most Valuable Feature:

The most valuable feature for our organization is the different pre-built regulatory compliant nutrition facts label templates, particularly the FDA-compliant ones. This feature enables us to meet regulatory requirements efficiently without the need of a third party. We mainly sell in the USA but also sell in Canada and the Canadian compliant labels in your tool have been really helpful for us because we used to outsource hire someone to do this for us and now we can do it ourselves.

Top Three Benefits:

  1. Simplicity: The user-friendly interface makes it easy for our team to navigate and utilize the software.
  2. Cost Savings: FLM has significantly reduced our labeling costs compared to our previous solution.
  3. Accessibility: The ability to use FLM from anywhere and allow multiple team members to access it simultaneously adds to our operational flexibility.

Food Label Maker’s Impact on your business

Food Label Maker has simplified and accelerated our labeling process. It is now much easier to update ingredient information, organize our data, and generate compliant labels in-house across different markets, saving us both time and money.

Why would you recommend Food Label Maker to other businesses?

It’s intuitive, the support is great, and it offers us flexibility. We really appreciate that it allows the whole team to use it from anywhere.

It’s so simple almost anyone that knows how to use a computer can open it and figure it out.

Features in Use

Since signing up with Food Label Maker, McStevens has been able to launch in various markets with ease, using our tool to generate compliant labels for each market.

Market-Compliant Labels

Built on the latest regulatory guidelines in the US, Canada, Mexico, Uk, EU and Australia & New Zealand.

Automated Allergen Detection

Our integrated allergen scanning feature analyzes your recipe and automatically detects the allergens that must be declared on your product label.

Multiple Label Styles & Formats

Choose from over 10 different label formats including Vertical, Tabular, Linear, Dual Column, Bilingual, Simple, and Traffic Light labels.

Editable Ingredient Statement

Manually edit your ingredients or allergen statements to show your customers exactly what you would like to show them.

Verified Ingredient Database

Access our continuously expanding ingredient database with more than 10,000+ ingredients, meticulously reviewed and updated by our team of nutritionists.

Add Custom Ingredients

Add custom ingredients seamlessly to your account, and use them in any of your recipe.